An Online Community for Christian Learning & Education


Our Mission

The mission of Virtual Christianity is to help people grow in Christ with other people online they can trust. We explain the essential elements embedded in that mission here.


All areas of our lives increasingly include an online component. For all who are seeking God, we want to help make the online portion of our lives support our spiritual growth.


Life is about growth in all areas, our mind, our heart, our body, our spirit, and our soul. We want to help people grow and live richer lives, and to focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.

In Christ

Jesus taught us some of the richest lessons about life here and life eternally. Growth in Christ is a powerful direction of growth that is rich, long-lasting, and leaves no regret.

Other People

Christianity and healthy Christian growth takes place along with other people. We want to help you connect online with people you already know in person and also with new people with whom you share things in common.


Trust is a huge component of interacting with people online in a healthy way. In everything we do, we work to create the means whereby you can grow to really trust the people that are on your friends list online.

Who is behind Virtual Christianity?

Virtual Christianity was founded in 2022 by Stephen Adkins, who lives in Atlanta, Georgia. "I was baptized into Christ in 1981, and I have been a disciple of Jesus now for 41 years. I hope to continue to build this non-profit and its website and services to help as many as possible to grow in Christ."

What is Virtual Christianity, Inc.?

Virtual Christianity, Inc. is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is responsible for this website and related services. It is a ministry for the sake of Christ. It's services may cost some money, but that is so that the ministry may be self-supporting. No director of the organization receives any money whatsoever from the organization.

What do Christians believe?

We expect that everyone who calls themself a Christian believes in God, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that God raised him from the dead, and that the Bible, as the Word of God, is the primary authoritative source about God, Jesus, Christianity, and related topics. Every Christian believes and practices much more than this, but these things are the basis for finding agreement and building Christian unity.

Is it just for one group of Christians?

We want to facilitate all Christians to come together to meet the needs of their own group or church or institution, and collectively we can present the good news of Jesus Christ to those seeking God and wanting to learn about Christianity.

What churches or groups participate?

Whichever Christian groups, churches, or Christian institutions that want to participate are welcome to participate. It simply means they are using the services of Virtual Christianity, and that they are participating with other Christians to help people grow spiritually.


Director. Project Manager. Developer.

The mission of Virtual Christianity is to help people grow in Christ with other people online they can trust


Team Member

Video Production. Social Media

The mission of Virtual Christianity is to help people grow in Christ with other people online they can trust


Team Member

Social Media. Webmaster

The mission of Virtual Christianity is to help people grow in Christ with other people online they can trust

Mary Alice

Team Member